For 1 person: female, male, children portraits, solo pregnancy
- 1 - 1,5 hours
- You’ll get 40-50 professionally edited photos digital version (.jpg files)
- Photos are ready within 2 weeks from the moment of shoot
- No need to pose, just relax and be yourself. This is a story about you!
For 2 persons: love story, maternity, wedding for two etc
- 1,5 - 2 hours
- You’ll get 50-70 professionally edited photos digital version (.jpg files)
- Photos are ready within 2 - 3 weeks from the moment of shoot
- You don't need to pose, just do fun, hug, kiss. Let's create your own story!
For 3-5 persons. 300€ if your family has more than 5 people
- 2-2.5 hours
- You’ll get 70-90 professionally edited photos digital version (.jpg files)
- Photos are ready within 2 - 3 weeks from the moment of shoot
- I'll create a story of your family that you can remember together after many years looking at wonderful photos.
The booking confirmation payment is €40. It's not returnable, but you can reschedule the photoshoot once.
In case of cancellation less than 24 hours in advance or non-attendance at the photoshoot, the deposit will not be refunded.
In case of a confidential photoshoot (where I can't use your photos in my portfolio on this website and on social media), the shooting cost increases by €80.
Additionally paid: travelling costs out of Nieuwerkerk ad IJssel; extra hour €100; rent of premises, work of make-up artist, a stylist if necessary.
Please read more information and tips for shooting:
You can order a gift certificate for photoshoot using the button below